Hi, My name is

Trinh Hoc Tuan

I'm a Java Web Developer

With a strong passion for programming, I am eager for the opportunity to apply the knowledge I have acquired in my studies to real-world work. I always strive to complete assigned tasks with the highest efficiency and bring significant value to the company.


HCMUTE - Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education

2021 - 2025

Major in Information Technology
Third-year student
GPA: 3.3/4


Experienced with:

+ Java
+ Spring Boot
+ HTML5 & CSS3
+ SQL Server
+ Javascript
+ ReactJS
+ Docker
+ Bootstrap/Tailwind
+ Git
+ MongoDB

My Projects


From: 18/1/2024 - Now
Visit website here
Link repository here
A social networking website allows users to post articles on programming topics, and it also allows users to create code problems to solve.
Team members: 04
Tech in use:
    • Backend:
        ◦ Java Spring Boot, Spring Security
        ◦ MySql database
    • Frontend:
        ◦ Reactjs, Redux
        ◦ HTML, CSS, Javascript
        ◦ BootStrap, Tailwind, Mui
    • Collaborate with team members to implement JWT authentication and authorization
    • Developed all user features including posting, commenting on posts, liking posts, editing
    posts, following users, real-time chat and real-time notifications.
    • Deploy a web application on an on-premise server using Docker and Nginx


From: 25/9/2023 - 12/12/2023
Link repository here
A web application was developed to manage and sales cosmetic.
Team members: 03
Tech in use:
    • Java servlet
    • JSP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Sitemesh
    • MySql database
    • Developed order and checkout function
    • Developed user interfaces include home page, product list page, product detail page, order
    page and checkout page
    • Collaborate with team members to design database and project structure 

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